Yep, it's out! This exciting new update to KSP adds docking and many new parts to the game, as well as marking the end of the "sandbox-only" game-play. Next update we will see the beginnings of a campaign in the works, as well as new features such as money, crew training, and things like that.

Unfortunately, this update is probably one of the buggiest ever released. In fact, unless all the settings are turned way way down, the game crashes every other craft launch. I have reason to believe that HarvestR is working on a hotfix for this issue, as it is preventing a rather large portion of the playerbase from playing, myself included. As soon as this is taken care of, I will try to get some screenshots uploaded for you all to gawk at!
0.16 has finally been released! Some of the new additions have been new larger parts, including fuel tanks, engines, and boosters. Also added were EVA's! That's right, now you can land on the Mun and control your crew members outside of your spacecraft!

This design will most likely change as updates are made to KSP. Anyways, this is my first 0.14 rocket, designed for many different missions. If you are planning on going to the Mun, just take off the satellite. Going into orbit? Remove the extra fuel tank and add in a satellite instead. I am also working on a version that can carry a Mun buggy. Fun fun fun!

So, I found this new indie computer game, called the Kerbal Space Program; KSP for short. The game lets you build a custom rocket ship out of several different semi-realistic parts, and then lets you launch it into space. But the game is more than just a game. A basic understanding of orbital physics is required for you to do more than make a mess of your rocket on the ground. It is also possible to go to the Mun, which orbits the planet Kerbin. Kerbol is the name of the Sun, and the three creatures that vomit all over the upholstery are called Kerbals.